My autobiography

Hello, everyone.
Today I will tell my history, it isn't very long, because I am only 21 years old.
As I said  last time, my name is Macarena Arcos. I was born on 18 th December,1998  in Santiago and I live with my mom and my grandmother. I studied in two elementary when I was a child in the distrist  Peñalolen, then I lived in Punta Arenas, there I studed in the "Patagonia" school and   I went to an art class in the "Casa azul del arte", I had a lot of fun in that place, but I did not like the school here. Then I retunred, I finished my hight school in the "Lenka Franulic" in  Santiago.
Right now I study the career chemistry at  the University of  Chile and I  continue drawing and painting with new technique.
