what is your favorite band or singer?

The true, I am changeable person, I pass period of time that I love a song, and after I forget them. I think that it is because  I met the music world when I has 15 years old, , before I did not have very access the information the new songs or bands. By thay time the music was not important for me, It was not part of my life. From the moment,  I am including the music in my life, but I do not find my style, and maybe I will never find.
Well, answering the question, my band favorite of moment is Voltaire, I love the song "The night", because this song wake up somethings in out me, It is like wish dance. I met this band for a  short of the same name that my favorite song. When I watched the video, I loved the song and I wanted know more from the artist or band. How I found this band not long time, I don´t know many things about them, but my boyfriend said me that maybe the style of band is "Dark cabaret" . Maybe I will explore this genre in my free time.
