An Expert on your Filed

Truth be told, I did never question myselft, if I have a person that an admire in my field, I think that it will not an individual, but  an idea of scientist, men with multiple studies and with many discoveries in different fields. For example, Louis Pasteur had four careers (mathematician, phisicist, chemist and bacteriologist); when He has thirty years old, he discovered the dimorphism of the tartaric acid, in other words, he discovered that this acid has two  forms of same chemistry composition, but with different property with regarding to light. After, He proposed the technique the pasteurization to eliminate pathogenics.
Where did they find time for so many things?, I did not explain this!
I am  twenty one years old and with any luck I am a chemistry student , I know that It was nother times, but I could not explain this!!!!
However, Why I say this?, because I admire the ability to learn and  creativity of these persons and I hope to become a little like them.
